Presentations and Publications


Herbert, J. N., Raleigh, M. S., & Small, E. E. (2024). High-resolution, daily snow depth estimates at the basin scale using machine learning interpolation of Snotel data enhanced with lidar. Water Resources Research (in review).

Herbert, J. N., Raleigh, M. S., & Small, E. E. (2024). Reanalyzing the spatial representativeness of snow depth at automated monitoring stations using airborne lidar data. The Cryosphere.

Herbert, J. N., Kelly, M. A., (2022). Geomorphic and Paleoclimatic Implications of Glacial Extent Records in the Sierra Nevada Del Cocuy, Colombia During Termination 1 . Dartmouth College Master’s Theses. 55. Peer-reviewed publication to follow.


Herbert, J. N., Raleigh, M. S., & Small, E. E. (2024). A spatiotemporally expanded snow validation dataset: Integrating snow station and lidar data through machine learning. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).

Herbert, J. N., Raleigh, M. S., & Small, E. E. (2024). Integrating snow station and lidar data with machine learning: A daily, spatially representative snow validation dataset. Nasa Snow Community Meeting (poster).

Herbert, J. N., Raleigh, M. S., & Small, E. E. (2023). Apples to apples, and apples to oranges: assessing snow pillow representativeness with airborne Lidar. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (talk).

Herbert, J., Kelly, M., Bromley, G., Doughty, A., Ruiz-Carrascal, D., Hidy, A., & Restrepo-Moreno, S. (2021). Climate change in the northern tropical Andes during Termination 1 derived from glacier reconstructions: The Sierra Nevada del Cocuy Case. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (talk).

Herbert, J. N., Gillikin, D., Molloy, J. B., Lama Sherpa, T., & Rodbell, D. T. (2018). Investigating the causes of eutrophication in high Andean lakes (Junín region, Peru) through nitrogen isotope analysis of sediment cores. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (poster).